New Refill Policy
Effective October 1st, 2014, we implemented a new refill policy in order to better care for our patients. The new policy is as follows:
EVERY patient will be required to be seen every 3 months in order to call in refills.
Sick or Cold visits do not count as a medication visit.
We DO NOT call in anitibiotics without you coming in to be seen. Please understand that this is due to different antibiotics treat different circumstances. Therefore, in order to give you the correct antibiotic, the doctor will need to evaluate your condition.
We DO NOT accept fax refill request. The patient or the pharmacy will be required to call our office for a refill request if you was to need one. However, they will be denied if you have not been seen by a doctor within 3 months.
We value each of our patients, and appreciate your cooperation during this transition. Thank you all, and be well. :-)